The Penn State Alumni AssociationWhat’s been happening: The years go flying by. Kids came late, first at 40, but blessings they are, two boys now teenagers. The oldest just became an Eagle Scout. He has been to Weather Camp at PSU, and is intent on majoring in Meteorology. He wants to attain a PH.D. and do research. Maybe a double major in Comp. Sci. Just back from EMEX and Honors College visits. Younger one is 14. He wants to write for Car and Driver. May follow in mom's path to I.U.P. He is our comedian. Both are still in scouting. I am a Scoutmaster, Wood Badger,and O.A. committee advisor, as well as an EMT on the first aid team. Still own an insurance and financial services agency. Wife is a reading specialist. Occasionally, I talk to old friends from the PSU days. Recently heard from a friend from McElwain. She found me on Facebook of all places. Go STATE! |